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Adolfo’s cory - Corydoras adolfoi
Scientific name: Corydoras adolfoi
Common name: Adolfo’s cory
Family: Callichthyidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 4 - 5 cm (1.57 - 1.97 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 5.5 - 7.5
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm)
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Recommended temperature: 19 - 26 °C (66.2 - 78.8°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: South America
Temperament to its own species: peaceful
Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful
Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels
Food and feeding
Adolfo’s cories will accept all foods offered; add sinking pellets to ensure food reaches the bottom of the tank. An occasional treat of blood worm will be relished.
Adolfo’s cories are found in Brazil on the middle Amazon regions, Rio Negro and Rio Uaupes.
When viewed from above, the females will have a fuller outline and will be slightly larger.
Plenty of water changes to provide a good clean climate should induce spawning. There will be 20-30 eggs laid in each batch and the female will carry them by creating a pouch with her pelvic fins to deposit them on the underside of plant leaves or even the tank glass. The eggs will hatch a few days later and once the fry are free swimming they can be fed on newly hatched brine shrimp.
Expected life span is 5 years.
Short description
Corydoras adolfoi do like swimming spaces at the front of the tank and are best kept in groups of 5 or more.