Dymax Natural Rid Non-chemical anti-White spot is designed to treat fish with sensitive aquatic life such as shrimps, snails, invertebrates, and even aquatic plants as it is formulated with fully natural ingredients. This effectively removes Protozoal parasites such as Ichthyophthrius multifiliis, Ambiphyra, Chilodonella, Ichthyoboda, Terahymena, Trichodina, etc.
Fully natural & easy to use!
• For both freshwater and marine fish aquariums.
• For quarantine purposes.
• Eliminates Ich, theronts and protomonts on free-swimming stage on water.
• Stops White Spot spreading
• Safe for plants, shrimps, and invertebrates.
• Effectivity within minutes.
• Naturally degradable on water.
• Absolutely bio-filter friendly.
• Harmless to nitrifying bacteria.