This striking Gold Laser Cory catfish is ideal for the softwater community aquarium. It is a peaceful species that should be maintained in groups of 5 or more due to its shoaling nature. A soft sand substrate is recommended in order to protect the delicate sensory barbels, and some shady-planted areas should be provided. Corydorashave has the ability to breathe air intestinally, so a small gap should be left between the surface of the water and the cover slides in order for the fish to come up to the surface and take air in. It may do this numerous times per day. This fish is currently thought to be one of several natural colour variants of Corydoras aeneus, although future scientific evaluations could prove it is a species in its own right. For now, it is usually sold as Corydoras sp., Corydoras sp. "Peru orange stripe", or Corydorasaeneus var. and is also known as CW010.